Curriculum Vitae |
PublicationsBooksWith G. Biesta, J. Field, F. Macleod et al (2011) Improving learning through the lifecourse London and New York: Routledge, 201. With S. Gill Narrative Pedagogy (New York: Peter Lang, 2011). With S. Lindblad (Eds.). Professional Knowledge and Educational Restructuring in Europe (Rotterdam, Boston and Taipei: Sense Publishers, 2010). Through the School House Door (Rotterdam, Boston and Taipei: Sense Publishers, 2010). With G. Biesta, M, Tedder and N. AdairNarrative Learning: Exploring the Role of Narrativity and Learning (London and New York: Routledge, 2010). As Políticas De Currículo e de Escolarização (Editora Vozes: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2008). Investigating the Teacher’s Life and Work (Sense Publishers: Rotterdam, 2008) Politicas do Conhecimento: Vida e Trabalho docente entre saberes e instituições (Organizaçâo e tradução: Raimundo Martins e Irene Tourinho), Coleção Desenrêdos: Brazil, 2007. Professional Knowledge, Professional Lives Beijing Normal University Press: Beijing, 2007). Professionel Viden. Professionelt Liv: Studier af Uddannelse og Forandring (Frydenlund: Denmark, 2007). Education, Globalisation and New Times, Edited by Stephen J Ball, Ivor F Goodson and Meg Maguire, English Heritage series (Routledge: London & New York, 2007). Life History in Educational Settings, Goodson & Sikes (Koyoshuto: Japan, 2006). Learning Curriculum and Life Politics: Selected Works (Routledge: England, 2005). Väd är professionell kunskap? Förändrade värdingar av lärares yrkesroll (Studentlitteratur, Lund, 2003). Social Geographies of Educational Change, with F. Hernandez (ed) (Kluwer: Dordrecht, 2004). Life History and Professional Development: Stories of Teachers’ Life and Work, with U. Numan (Studentlitteratur, Lund, 2003). Professional Knowledge, Professional Lives: Studies in Education and Change. (Open University Press: Maidenhead & Philadelphia, 2003). Estudio del Curriculum: Casos y Métodos. (Amorrortu Editores: Buenos Aires, 2003). Cyber Spaces/Social Spaces: Culture Clash in Computerized Classrooms, with M. Knobel, C. Lankshear, M. Mangan (Palgrave Macmillan: New York, 2002). Life Histories of Teachers: Understanding Life and Work (Koyo Shobo: Japan, 2001). The Birth of Environmental Education (East China Normal University Press: P.R. China, 2001). O Currículo em Mudança: Estudos na construção social do currículo (Porto Editora: Portugal, 2001). Life History Research in Educational Settings: Learning from Lives, with P. Sikes (Open University Press: Buckingham and Philadelphia, 2001). Currículo: Teoria e História, 4th Edn (Editora Vozes: Petrópolis, Brazil, 2001). Opetussuunnitelman Tekeminen: Esseitä opetussuunnitelman ja oppiaineen sosiaalisesta rakentumisesta (Finland: Joensuu University Press, 2001). |
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